Is an extremely talented group of students who are using their gifts to lead others in worshipping our Savior! They practice weekly and lead music every Wednesday night for our weekly worship service in addition to leading worship at special events and in our Sunday morning Worship.

Weekly Events

APEX Youth Ministry exists to provide our teenagers with a place to belong! Where they know they will find Christ preached and always be welcome. APEX is for any youth in grades 7-12 who want to grow in their relationship with Christ and find their place. Through weekly time spent in the Word and together, APEX youth are always growing and striving to be more like Christ.


Start your Sunday off with Sunday School! The youth of APEX meet in the APEX at 10am. It's all about getting you in the Word and making it relevant to your everyday life!

Small groups happen on Sunday nights at 6pm. These are intimate groups designed to help us do life together. We meet weekly to talk about what is going on in our lives and how God wants us to respond and live out His truth in the midst of it. 


Dinner begins at 5:30pm in the Fellowship ($4 for 18 and younger). Some youth will eat dinner in the fellowship hall and some will bring their own. Some play basketball, some play pool, some play video games, and some use this time to drink coffee and catch up on each other's lives. APEX youth are a diverse group - some go to public school, some to private, and some are home-schooled. It doesn't matter here ... ALL belong and are family. #apexyoubelong

Our Wednesday Word and Worship starts at 6:30pm. Each week we spend time praising God and praying together! We dig into His Word and strive to become more like Christ. As one youth put it: "There's nothing better than being in a room with your friends and praising God with everything you got!" 


During the school year, we have many extra events such as our FALL RETREAT, MARINES, mission opportunities, and so much more!

Special Events

Throughout the year you'll find APEX Youth Ministries involved in some amazing projects and ministries both in the community and in church.


Each year the youth will lead worship one Sunday doing everything including preaching and leading the music. It's great to be a part of a church that allows our youth to lead!


During Christmas, you are invited out to a barn to relive the Christmas story. As you walk the streets of Bethlehem, you will hear the Christmas story told by the people who were there. You will experience Christmas through the memories of Isaiah, Herod, the Innkeeper, the Wise men, Shepherds, Angels, Mary and Joseph.


APEX Youth enjoy sharing Christ through Drama. In the past they have done Christmas plays and/or play in the Springs.